Over 100 years of automotive experience serving you daily
512.385.3717 or 512.385.3468 



All parts are warrantied for 90 days from date of sale unless otherwise agreed upon in writing prior to shipment of part. Warranty is for replacement part only. Warranty does not cover labor, towing, rentals, storage, or lost wages under any circumstances.

Warranty does not cover parts that are:

  1. Over-heated
  2. Improperly installed
  3. Used for racing purposes
  4. Altered in any way unless authorized by Browning Auto Parts
  5. Abused
  6. Improperly maintained by buyer

  • No warranty on seals, gaskets, fluids, or coolant.
  • Keep your receipt.  No claim or warranty without it.
  • All prices quoted are without freight unless otherwise stated.
  • Seller is not liable for any incidental or consequential loss or damages.
  • Seller is not responsible for buyer's error.
  • Buyer is responsible for maintenance of parts, including but not limited to Maintain proper fluid levels.
  • If you have a problem, contact Browning Auto Parts prior to removing parts or attempting any repair to part.
  • $35.00 Fee on all returned checks.
  • Freight is not refundable for any reason.
  • All items are subject to prior sale, unless deposit arrangements are made.